
Hug a Tree Once a Day

Say what? What do you mean by hugging a tree? You can take me literally or not, but the recipe for a healthy and happy life is to find your piece of paradise in nature that includes a beautiful tree, a waterfront view or by taking a walk in a…
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Some Facts about Essential Oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated natural oils, extracted from plants, flowers, roots, wood, bark, or seeds, and are widely known for their healing and purifying benefits. Because of their powerful antioxidant properties, essential oils have been used for thousands of years in a variety of different applications including soaps, perfumes,…
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Find your Happy Place

Remember what it was like to feel that pure childhood innocence? That organic happiness, that unconditional love you felt or that unexplainable natural high back in the day. That Feel Good Factor, that feeling you get when you come across a particular food that used to eat and enjoy as…
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Cancer has a Cure

Cancer is a man-made disease Cancer and keeping the population sick as opposed to in optimal health means that there is more money to be made by big pharma corporations, the corrupt black government and food and drug associations that aim to taint the supply of food and drugs to…
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