Hug a Tree Once a Day
Say what? What do you mean by hugging a tree? You can take me literally or not, but the recipe for a healthy and happy life is to find your…

Restore and Reclaim Your Freedom
The legendary Bob Marley had once said in his Redemption Song: "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our " Be honest and ask yourself. Are you…

Breaking Free from the Fear Bubble
What Created the Fear Bubble? Did you know that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real? Fear is the underlying negative motivator for a number of other negative emotions including Guilt,…

What is a Woman Really Worth?
A diamond ring, a $1,000,000,000 or a pot of gold? None of these monetary values can even compete to the real worth of a woman. The softer, fairer and gentle…

Be Gentle. Love, Forgive and Accept Yourself
We all know too well that life can literally pass you by at a mile a minute and get extremely busy that before you know it 5 years can pass…

Detox your Life. One Thought and Body Cell at a Time
You know that saying that "life got too busy that I forgot to breathe" or that "life escaped you so much that you missed your best friend's wedding day" or those…

Your Body’s Cry for Help
"Take a breath and ; Be in silence for 2 ; Can you hear that?" It's your body crying for ; Asking for your undivided attention in your busy rat…

Find your Happy Place
Remember what it was like to feel that pure childhood innocence? That organic happiness, that unconditional love you felt or that unexplainable natural high back in the day. That Feel…

Chakras, Endocrine Glands, Planets and Music
Did you know that each of your 7 chakra centres actually map to each of your 7 endocrine glands Each of the body’s basic seven chakras is associated with specific…

Music Unites the Brain
"Fact: Music is one of the only activities that activates, stimulates and uses the entire brain" Music uses both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, implying that music…

Awaken your Authentic Self. Find your Purpose in Life
Take a deep breath. Inhale slowly, then exhale even more slowly and check in with yourself. Ask yourself: Do you care more about what other people think about you, your…

Essential Oils for your Life
Mother Nature and Planet Earth (Gaia) provides us with an abundance and selection of natural herbs, plants, flowers and grains that can nurture, nourish and even heal us. From Mother…