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Say what?

What do you mean by hugging a tree?

You can take me literally or not, but the recipe for a healthy and happy life is to find your piece of paradise in nature that includes a beautiful tree, a waterfront view or by taking a walk in a forest.

Immerse yourself in nature for a moment, especially for those days where life seems to steamroll over you and your downtime that that me time pretty much becomes non existence.


Need a Timeout?

Before you know it, one week blends into the next, your work days become mundane, you keep getting sick and then you find yourself scrambling to get it together for that big Christmas party you are hosting tomorrow.

Life literally got the best of you as you didn’t take a time out to take a breath, pause and check in with yourself.

By spending long periods of time in nature, your body’s natural rhythms, central nervous system and cycles can regulate and its balance can be restored.  Breathing in mountain fresh crisp air that is generously oxygenated and enjoying the shades of green and varying plant life can do wonders for your your biological systems, body clock cycles and general hormone balance.  Your overall wellness is instantly improved when you take a brief stroll through a meadow, forest or by the waterfront.

Resourcing in Mother Nature

Resource yourself from the Mother nature’s elements of Wood/Earth from a tree, it’s roots or it’s bark.  Water from the ocean, lake or river.  Fire from the sun rays, orange flowers or a fire pit.  Minerals from a rock, stone or gem such as quartz, rose or amethyst.  Metal from iron, copper or slate deposits or quarries.  Earth/Plant life from flowers, herbs and greenery.

Making a point to pause and take a breather in nature, sitting on that park bench, lying down for a few minutes or taking a much needed power nap before your next client – could make all the difference on your productivity that day, your mood that evening with the family, your overall stress level and your body’s immunity against that horrid cold that’s going around.

  • Take a breather.  Slow down your busy life.  Pause. Immerse yourself in nature and be in the moment for the only time that matters is now. 
  • Restore the balance clarity and wellness back to your body mind and spirit.  Return to your true self. 

I love trees because they are so grounding and vital for maintaining earth’s ecosystem balance. Their solid trunk and deep roots should serve as a reminder to us all that we need to be grounded and balanced in life through the calm times and chaotic. Their beautiful rainbow leaves that change color with the four seasons should serve as a reminder that we need color and change in life for these are the constants in this dynamic earth life to keep us thriving and flourishing. Like us trees need both water and sunshine so remember to get outside and stay hydrated! This photo is purposely not straight because it reminds us that life is not always predictable and perfect.

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

  • LifeSense | authentic living from the heart is your new best friend!
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  • Use this LifeSense Magazine for finding lifestyle tips, health and wellness articles, innovative trends and natural health discoveries.
  • It’s never to late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.

It’s time to stop and make the change you want to see in your life and for a better world.

No more excuses, contact LifeSense to ask about the lifestyle counseling, strategic life and wellness consulting that is available.


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