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LifeSense would like to share with you 5 words that may become your saving grace:


this may well be the catchphrase of this year of change, positive transition and energetic transformation.  With love for yourself, acceptance of situations and a place of non judgement being the cornerstones of this positive change.

Peace Starts from Within, Acceptance is the Key


This phrase could be the difference between you being blocked energetically, creatively or mentally by programs of the past, childhood traumas, unresolved pain, grief and anger.  It is human nature whether male or female to put on that front, to suppress one’s true emotions, to hide one’s feelings and to be driven by pride and ego as a way to protect our heart from previous pain, hurt and trauma.  The danger of suppressing one’s emotions is that it accumulates over months, karmic debt over years and precious time in one’s life into stagnation and energy blocks in the physical body.  These then show up as dis-ease, dysfunction or an imbalance in body, mind, heart and spirit leading to degraded heath over the age of 40 and into one’s golden years.

Now if you are self aware, awakened to the truth and living consciously you may be lucky to notice the shift in your balance and harmony to one of imbalance and disharmony.  You would be even luckier to be able to take a pause in your busy life, to slow down the pace of your day-to-day fast life enough to make strategic and fruitful changes that are sustainable for the next 30 years of your life.

The ultimate trick is how to find your calm and happy place when head deep in the chaos, when drowning in distraction, noise pollution, scorching heat and the surrounding screams of fear-based turmoil.


Sometimes life throws you unexpected punches, curve balls and mishaps at some of the most chaotic moments, but also at the most peaceful moments in your life when you think all is well, when you are convinced that you are living your life path, your purpose and your passion.  The universe throws some of the most iconic life lessons at the most unexpected times.  Now how do you handle a situation when all areas of your life seem to be screaming for attention, your body throws unconscious tantrums, your mind goes into control dramas and everything around you seems to be against you.

Drastic Change is Needed

Your body is calling for help, your mind is seeking peace, your spirit is buried deep inside behind the closed heart.  It’s time for drastic change.  Fruitful changes that will inspire you to live a more authentic life.  To tap into your true self.

Shifting your perspective on your life, life as a whole, and how everything sentient is of one universal consciousness.  One state of being that all 7.5 billion people on the planet contribute to through their thoughts, words and actions.  In order to open this pandora’s box of truth and realization, it starts from YOU.  GOING WITHIN.  Reviewing your life from the beginning, through your teenage years, young adult and adult chapters.  Nostalgia is a good tool to use, as in most cases it highlights the positive memories from your past, moments that touch your inner child, your previously opened heart and remain in your memory bank as your own personal “pick me up”.  It’s important to review and acknowledge the past traumas, past hurts and grieves and to resurface them in a controlled and healthy environment.  LifeSense can walk you through your life milestones and help you process these suppressed emotions for healthy release and letting go.


Becoming Self Aware in Preparation for Letting Go

LifeSense would like to share with you 5 steps you can take to help you let go and to accept and let things be.

  1. In your place of inspiration, your sanctuary, that favourite tranquility place in nature or your happy place – take 5 deep breaths and settle into your surrounding.
  2. Close your eyes while continuing the deep breathing.  Shift your focus to your feelings.
  3. Observe how your mind, body and heart are feeling as you go deeper into meditation.
  4. Once settled, ask yourself “what is stopping me from feeling at ease, from thriving and being the best version of me?”
  5. Take more deep breathes and see what arises.  Be ready to take a list of these items that are blocking you reaching your full potential.

LifeSense offers 5+1 Healing Innovations that can help you restore balance and harmony back to your mind, body, heart and spirit by bridging the gap between the mind and heart, and using the 5 + 1 senses to process and release any unresolved emotional energy from the physical body.  LifeSense is currently running Mind Body Heart healing and wellness retreats at various locations across BC this summer.  Retreat and healing innovations with a difference, more intimate and small group retreats that heal you from the inside out.


Do what you need to do to refuel your creativity, inspiration and innovation in your life today. What is your passion in life?  Travel, music, art, writing or spreading joy? If you didn’t need to work tomorrow for money to survive, what would you choose to do? Everyday is a new choice, empower your true self and reclaim your freedom to be You!

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

  • LifeSense | authentic living from the heart is your new best friend!
  • Your one-stop resource for a more authentic life, enabling you to reach your full creative potential.
  • Use this LifeSense Magazine for finding lifestyle tips, health and wellness articles, innovative trends and natural health discoveries.
  • It’s never too late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.

It’s time to stop and make the change you want to see in your life and for a better world.

No more excuses, contact LifeSense to ask about the lifestyle counseling, strategic life and wellness consulting that is available.


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