Welcome to the Beautiful Being that You Are,

“You are your very own Creative Director.   The creative director of your life, your thoughts, your words, your energy and your life force.”
~ Pink Tiger Lily 2012

You are empowered to BE THE GREATNESS that you are in this precious Earth life.  You are on the planet at this crucial time during this planetary shift for a reason, your soul chose to be here so that you can guide other lost souls and Earth beings to the light of eternal bliss back to the Source of One Spirit.

swan flies to freedom

That said, it’s time to recognize that you are an eternal spirit having a human experience.  That you are born to this world out of Love, love and light from the Creator, the Source, the One Spirit of Oneness.

“Realize that you are natural beings of love and creativity, your creativity is an expression of your unconditional love for yourself and everything around you. Simply tap into it properly and you will realize the amazing feeling of reward you get when you enrich someone else’s life with your beautiful song, art masterpiece or healing words of advice!”

~ Pink Tiger Lily 2010

LifeSense offers two types of sessions:

1. Life Clarity Session with Pink Tiger Lily @ LifeSense | authentic living from the heart

This is typically the first session to meet and greet you, share stories about each other so you feel comfortable to open up, and then to establish what is on your mind and to get a feel for your current state of being.  It is completely hands off, but both the Coach and the Client sit on the couch opposite one another over a cup of herbal tea or fruit infused water.

2. Life Strategy Session with Pink Tiger Lily @ LifeSense | authentic living from the heart

This is typically an ongoing session to continue sharing your life story, going into depth on some and reviewing others, tapping into childhood traumas and experiences that may still surface in your adult life and to review what is on your mind versus your heart and to get a feel for your current state of being and desires.  It is completely hands off, but both the Coach and the Client sit on the couch opposite one another over a cup of herbal tea or fruit infused water.

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”

~ John Lennon

LifeSense offers lifestyle counseling and dream aspiration experiencing to enable you to reach your full creative potential.  Living an authentic life from the heart is key to you finding your true self, discovering your innate talents and sacred gifts in this current life stream.  Tap into your inner passions and desires for a fulfilled life, loving yourself and serving others.

 freedom_being2Life Strategies and Wellness Consulting

  • Lifestyle Balance and Alignment Check
  • Lifestyle Health & Wellness Strategies
  • Dream, Passions and Aspiration Counseling
  • Living an Inspirational and Meaningful Life
  • Finding your Happy Place, Optimal Life Paths
  • Reaching your Full Creative Potential
  • Tapping into your Innate Gifts of Intuition

Allow yourself to simply be in the moment.  To sit in silence and literally check in with your body, mind and heart feelings.

  • LifeSense | authentic living from the heart is your new best friend!
  • Your one-stop resource for a more authentic life, enabling you to reach your full creative potential.
  • Use this LifeSense Magazine for finding lifestyle tips, health and wellness articles, innovative trends and natural health discoveries.
  • Tap into the creative gifts and multi-faceted talents of Pink Tiger Lily so that you can be on your way to Healing your Life and Reaching your Creative Potential.
  • It’s never too late to make the change.  Be the change you wish to see in your life, in your world.  Change starts from within.

It’s time to stop and make the change you want to see in your life and for a better world.

No more excuses, Contact Pink Tiger Lily to ask about the lifestyle counseling, strategic life and wellness consulting that is available.