Did you know that you are a Spirit having a Human experience.

Did you know that you are incarnated into your current physical body as part of a divine plan that has you born into your family and circle of friends for an ultimate purpose that may or may not be clear to you?

Did you know that it is part of your Life’s purpose to discover your authentic self by living from the heart, following one’s feelings and intuition as spiritual guidance to reaching one’s full creative potential.

What is one’s full creative potential?

  • It’s about understanding the true meaning of your life on Earth.
  • Why are you here?  Why at this current time and place of human evolution?  What is your innate creativity?
  • Do you have a natural born talent for art, music, helping others or talking in public?
  • Do you know what your sacred gifts are?
  • Are you passionate about human rights, equality, making this world a better place or enriching the lives of others?

Awakening the Spirit

“Once you become awakened by a sudden life changing event, a tragic situation, near death experience or a wake up call, it is very much like a light just went on and for once you have a glimpse into the clarity of what your life is truly about. For that split moment you can see your past, present and future all intertwined and it’s as if you know that things will never be the same again. In fact they would be significantly different but all for the better as you actually realize that your life has an underlying purpose and that you want to live it fully and with meaning! This little seed of light that just got planted is awaiting that defining moment when your conscious and sub-conscious mind both come to the same conclusion that change is needed.

If you think that all these world events, spiritual awakening activity and hidden truth revelations do not concern you, well think again – you are in for a rude awakening. Please just consider the truth about humanity, about your life, your purpose. I am not here to convince you, merely to guide you to the righteous path of truth – that is the light and love that fuels us all as sentient beings.

Hope never left us, can you find it again?

Faith, remember this is what you felt when you were an innocent child of 5

Love, is why you are here

Charity and Compassion, without it we cannot grow”

~Pink Tiger Lily 2010

Tune into your Mind, Body, Heart and Spirit

Do you ever feel conflicted between the mind and body, your mind thinks one thing but your body wants the other?  Finding it difficult to make life decisions because you feel unsettled and conflicted in your own skin?

“Precious One, how about you surrender your life to spirit and let your heart solve this conflict between the mind and the body.”

~Pink Tiger Lily

swan flies to freedomThe mind comes from a place of fear, overwhelm, worry, anger, depression, misery, instant gratification and ego. 
The body is a reflection of your innermost feelings manifesting in the internal and external physical body, organs, skin, body systems and cycles. 
The heart comes from a place of truth, light, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, knowing, intuition and discernment. 
The spirit is simply waiting to be unleashed through your creative outlets and expressions of voice, singing, healing, art, writing or music creations.

5 Step Guide to Discovering your Creative Potential

1. Take a break from your busy hectic lifestyle and go on a mini getaway with yourself and for yourself.  Go to the closest mountain, lake or nature setting to find solitude.  Solitude is different to “being lonely”, one can be very content and fulfilled in solitude since you are becoming intimate with you, your being, your essence, listening to your inner voice.

2. Think back to when you were 5 years old before you started school.  Then when you were a 9 year old student at school – were you confused by some of the school’s teachings but you never asked to clarify because you were told that asking questions was wrong, that having a voice was bad.  Now when you were 15 years old and you are about to choose your life career’s path.  How scary, that decision would effect the rest of your entire life!

promo ad3. Now imagine that you didn’t choose the path that you took to get you where you are today.  In life, love and work – what if you had moved out of your home town when you turned down that opportunity when you were 22 years old?  What if you had married your first love when you were 18 years old?  What if you didn’t move to the city with your family when you were 10 years old?  Try to recall what little things in life that made you feel naturally and organically happy in your childhood years?  It could be as simple as fresh clean sheets out of the dryer, having a laugh with your brother and his friends, watching a home movie with your loved ones.

4. Begin to detach from all material things, your belongings and possessions.  Realize that they are objects and physical materials that you have accumulated because of humanity’s consumer culture.  The whole concept of owning more material possessions will make you happy and fulfilled is a complete lie.  Less IS more, owning these possessions will end up owning you, weighing you down with excessive baggage and financial responsibilities that prevent you from living a free life with no limitations.  The house that you pay the mortgage for but will never technically own in this lifetime because of the “death bond”.  Is it truly a home, does it have that warm spirit?  Is it worth the sacrifice of your 40 hour work week in exchange for the quality time that you could have with your loved ones just so that you can pay off the bills for your name on the title?

“Home is where the heart is” does not necessary mean it is in the four walls you call home – it is a state of being.  The same way, happiness is not a destination, it is a state of being that comes from inside.  You can be just as happy with your spouse on a never ending road trip called life – with no real certainty on where you will be sleeping every night.  But the beauty is being allowed to just live in the moment and embrace life for what it is.  Going with the flow, sleeping in a tent one night, then a luxury hotel for the next week and a cabin in the woods for the next 2 months – makes for a more enjoyable life that you are consciously living – now that feels like home!

5. Start to revive your past childhood creative spirit, your love for music, drawing, writing or dancing.  Your inner spirit is waiting to be unleashed.   Ask yourself what you would be doing with your life if you didn’t need to earn money to live.  Would you continue your role as Doctor because you love being compassionate to your patients, would you continue your role as Teacher because you like to make a positive difference to the children in our world, would you continue to be the Culinary Chef that you are because you treat cooking like an art, making something soul food out of nothing that has been driven from love.

Creativity is a flow of moments in time when the creative forces and energy come together for that particular instant – poetry, lyrics, a music collaboration between individuals, a vision that is realized, defined and mapped, be it a sketch, schematic, wireframe, storyboard or body of work ready for publishing.

Ask Pink Tiger Lily about how you can find your authentic true self.  It’s time for change!